Caroline Sato

Morning cuppa on tea dyed washi

Caroline Satoの作品画像

ink on washi, wrapped on wood | 210x300mm | 2023   Photo: Ryohei Tomita

Ideas of luxury change with the birth of children. A hot, peaceful cup of tea to start the morning became mine. The time to gather thoughts over a habit I maintain from my pre-Japanese life. Morning reflections are precious and it is often over that tea that ideas and possibilities emerge.


Caroline Sato

Caroline Sato is an Australian artist and maker based in Ebina, Japan. With a background in fashion design, her work centres around lived experience and tactile elements; themes of people and values, and pattern and adornment. She is particularly interested in forms of creation that anyone can produce that bring hope and beauty into everyday life. See more of her work at or follow her on

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公募展「It’s Not a Cultural Showcase, but a Window to the Soul」


公募展「It’s Not a Cultural Showcase, but a Window to the Soul」