Immigration Museum Tokyo (IMM Tokyo)
国内に在留する海外ルーツの人びとの日本での日常生活に焦点をあてたアートプロジェクトです。「ミュージアム」という名称でありながら施設を持たず、足立区の空き店舗や教会、古民家などを転々と移動しながら、そのとき限りの体験ができる展示やイベントを展開してきました。本企画は「アートアクセスあだち 音まち千住の縁」の一プログラムです。
Immigration Museum Tokyo is an art project that focuses on the daily lives of people living in Japan with roots overseas. Although IMM Tokyo is called a “museum,” it does not have any facilities, and has been moving from place to place in Adachi City—including vacant stores, churches, and old houses—while developing exhibitions and events that allow visitors to experience whatever IMM Tokyo has available at the time. IMM Tokyo is held as a part of “Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju – Connecting through Sound Art”.

岩井 成昭 – いわい しげあき
Production and Supervision: Shigeaki Iwai
美術家/イミグレーション・ミュージアム・東京 主宰
Artist; Director, Immigration Museum Tokyo
Since the 1990s, Iwai has been researching the state of multiculturalism in Europe, Australia and Southeast Asia. Since 2010, he has been directing the project-based Immigration Museum Tokyo. Alongside these activities, Iwai is involved in various other activities from his base of Akita, including his involvement in establishing the Graduate School of Transdisciplinary Arts at Akita University of Art, in addition to advocating for henkyō (border) art. Iwai is a professor at Akita University of Art and a part-time lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts.

IMM Open Call Project Team 2023
イミグレーション・ミュージアム・東京が2020年から継続的に開催している多国籍美術展について、東京ビエンナーレ2023と連携しての開催に向けて発足したプロジェクトチーム。現在のメンバーは岩井成昭(美術家/イミグレーション・ミュージアム・東京 主宰)、および櫻井莉菜・西川汐(プロジェクトコーディネーター)です。
This project team was established in order to organize a multinational art exhibition, which the Immigration Museum Tokyo has been holding continuously since 2020, in collaboration with the Tokyo Biennale 2023. The current members of the team are Shigeaki Iwai (artist and director of Immigration Museum Tokyo), Rina Sakurai and Yu Nishikawa (project coordinators).

Citizen Researchers “IMM Neighbors”
“IMM Neighbors” is working actively. “IMM Neighbors” has members of multiple generations and diverse backgrounds, including students and working members of society who are interested in multicultural society and international relations; international students who are also artists; and others. During their monthly activity day, they continue research activities surrounding multiculturalism and art while conducting lectures and fieldwork.