本プログラムの目的は3つあります。1つ目は、文化的多様性への理解を深めること。2つ目は、文化的多様性を体験すること。そして3つ目は、自分と異なる他者、さらには自分らしさに気づくことです。これらのゴールを目指し、小学校の開催では、各クラスの生徒たちと1時間目から5時間目にかけて、(1)IMM東京の活動とメンバーに出会う時間 (2)アートコミュニケーターによる対話型鑑賞 (3)海外ルーツのアーティストによるアートワークショップ (4)IMM東京と過ごした1日の体験を振り返るワークショップという4つの内容でプログラムを構成しました。中学校では、4日間のプログラムでは海外ルーツのアーティストとの創作活動を通して自己・環境・未来というテーマに向き合いました。
In fiscal year 2023, the third year of implementing Art Education programs in Adachi City, we continued our cooperation with Adachi City from the fiscal year 2021 and implemented this program over a total of 4 days at 2 elementary schools in areas where the resident population was becoming more multinational. In addition, we developed our program in junior high school this year through collaboration with an art club.
This program has three purposes. The first purpose is to deepen an understanding of cultural diversity. The second is to immerse in the topic of cultural diversity. The third is to become aware of others different from oneself while building even more self-awareness. With these goals in mind, we implemented our program with the following four steps in elementary schools: (1) introduction of IMM Tokyo and its members; (2) dialogue-based artwork appreciation led by art communicators; (3) art workshops by artists with roots overseas; and (4) creative workshops for reflecting on the previous three kinds of activities. We carried out these activities throughout the day (first period to fifth period). For junior high school students, we had a four-day program with an artist with roots overseas under the theme of “self, environment, and future.”
This program was made possible following local research and meetings with numerous people of varied backgrounds, including IMM Tokyo office staff, art communicators, artists with roots overseas, citizen supporters from IMM Neighbors, staff from Adachi City, and teachers at participating schools.
Further details about these programs can be found in the “report” section.
アート・エデュケーションプログラム(小学校) Art Education Program (Elementary School)
アート・エデュケーションプログラム(中学校) Art Education Program (Junior High School)

デザインや教育、コミュニティづくりなど領域横断的な実践を行うアーティスト。参加型アートやリサーチプロジェクトを行う領域横断的なコレクティブ Salikhain Kolektib(フィリピン) の創設者。エデュケーターや学習経験のデザイナーとしても活動。フィリピン大学美術学部卒業。日本交流基金アジアセンターの Hands! プロジェクト、ColLaboratoire 2020に参加。レジデント・アーティストとして、spaceppong(韓国・光州)、PARADISE AIR(松戸)、黄金町バザール(横浜)、Washi +(高知)で活動。現在、横浜在住。
Ralph C. Lumbres
Ralph C. Lumbres is an interdisciplinary artist whose practice also encompasses other fields such as design, education, and community development. He is the founder of Salikhain Kolektib, an interdisciplinary collective that creates participatory art and research projects in communities in the Philippines. As an educator, he was a lecturer at Kalayaan College–Fine Arts, and College of Saint Benilde–School of Design and Arts. He also worked as a learning experience designer for Habi Education Lab.
Ralph holds a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts from the University of the Philippines. He is a fellow of the Japan Foundation’s HANDs! Project and a research fellow of ColLaboratoire 2020. He was a resident artist for spaceppong, PARADISE AIR, Koganecho Bazaar, and Washi +. Currently, he resides in Yokohama, Japan.

Chloe Pare
Chloe Pare is a visual artist and researcher, inspired by the interactions and fictions of the material world. She facilitates cosmological narratives with organic and non-organic beings, through workshops, sculptural installations, and art books. As of 2024, she is a PhD candidate in the Department of Global Arts: Art Studies and Curatorial Practices of Tokyo University of the Arts, under the Japanese Government MEXT Scholarship.
Ghada Hadil Ben Fredj、Ima Hikmatul Hasnah、藤枝怜、水倉彩友美、遊佐操、渡邉彩加
2023年度IMM事務局(神道朝子、Dan Dagondon、寺山穂、長尾聡子、西川汐、李凌瑶、吉田武司)
公益財団法人 福武財団
Art Communicator
Appreciate Approach Association (Noriko Kondo, Rie Tanabe, Mari Fujita, Megumi Ishikawa, Sachiko Ueda, Yoshie Okawa)
Support Staff
Ghada Hadil Ben Fredj, Ima Hikmatul Hasnah, Rei Fujieda, Ayumi Mizukura, Misao Yusa, Ayaka Watanabe
Shigeaki Iwai
Sumiko Kumakura
Asako Jindo, Dan Dagondon, Minori Terayama, Satoko Nagao, Yu Nishikawa, Li Lingyao, Takeshi Yoshida (IMM Tokyo Office)
Shikahama No.1 Elementary School, Nakagawa Kita Elementary School, Art club in Ougi Junior High School
Organized by
Faculty of Music, Tokyo University of the Arts/ Graduate school of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts/ OTOMACHI PROJECT (NPO)/ Adachi City
Supported by
Fukutake Foundation