Reneé Arss

“Three times noise” (Triptych)

Cardboard, Acrylic Paint, Paper.|2019 Photo: Ryohei Tomita

“Three times noise” is a triptych made with a mix of painting and collage, representing “Noise” from three different perspectives. Auditive, Visual and Introspective. It was created as a psychological experiment that Arss explains during the exhibition.


Reneé Arss

Reneé Arss has acted as a model for Tokyo’s photographers and colaborated with drawing communities, helping them to explore their own visual language. The artists who come into contact with him are motivated and inspired by their experimental activities, and their experiences create further inquisitiveness and stimulation within each of them. Arss explores the edge of the human spirit through illustrations, collages, and paintings, attempting to express it in literature such as novels, short tales, articles and poetry.
Yumikio Sameshima (artist)

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Art Exhibition “Cultural BYO…Ne!”

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Art Exhibition “Cultural BYO…Ne!”