Ima Hikmatul Hasnah | ハサナ

Homebound Melodies

Ima Hikmatul Hasnah | ハサナの作品画像

Mixed media: paper, rope, acrylic gouache | 1600 x 250 mm | 2023
Photo: Ryohei Tomita

The phrase “coming home” always carries a far more beautiful resonance than “leaving.” Yet, one must yearn for it to truly savor the beauty of returning. Living in a foreign land, I am not only distanced from familiar faces but also estranged from the customs I once embraced freely. Through this artwork, I depict myself as a long, soaring thread, with each experience weaving into the gaps. When I yearn for home, I can always peer into that box of longing to know there is always a path back. However, home isn’t always a physical place; it’s hearts open to one another and a willingness to make space for each other.



Ima Hikmatul Hasnah | ハサナ

Ima Hikmatul Hasnah, a self-taught visual artist from Jakarta, Indonesia, currently resides in Japan, studying Art Management at Tokyo University of the Arts. She used to combines paintings, crafts, and video works to interpret the world, including surreal dream memories and elusive realms beyond reach. Hasnah thrives in the subconscious connection.

As a quiet individual in speech and sentence frequency, she retreats to her inner world, finding solace and liberation through visual language—a vibrant imagination filled a vibrant imagination filled with stories, scenes, daydreams.

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公募展「It’s Not a Cultural Showcase, but a Window to the Soul」


公募展「It’s Not a Cultural Showcase, but a Window to the Soul」