Barbara Kuhn クーン バーバラ

Felsengang – nachmittags 01
岩の呼吸 – afternoon 01

Barbara Kuhn クーン バーバラ の作品画像

鉛筆、紙 / pencil, paper | 410 x 315 mm | January 2023
画像提供:作家本人 Image provided by: the artist

I take inspiration from my travels in Japan; the landscapes the surroundings, the tales I listen to while cycling less traveled roads in the Japanese countryside. I try to unfold these encounters into new pictures inspired by the imagination of these untold stories.


Barbara Kuhn クーン バーバラ


Barbara settled in Tokyo in the early 90s working as an architect designing mainly social housing projects. With her background in architecture & urban design, she spread her wings teaching architecture and technical English at Shibaura Institute of Technology and worked as technical editor on German language manuals. She then settled in guest relation work at the Courtyard by Marriott Tokyo Ginza Hotel with a stint as secretary at the German Embassy Tokyo before quitting the corporate world to go back to her roots exploring art projects and traveling Japan by bicycle.

< 前の作家


次の作家 >


公募展「It’s Not a Cultural Showcase, but a Window to the Soul」


公募展「It’s Not a Cultural Showcase, but a Window to the Soul」