Cedric Rolando – neoyume

A tribute to an Oshiruko Can

Cedric Rolando – neoyume の作品画像

Printed digital painting Tapestry printing
Fabric poster + aluminum + short side attachment + string set
B0 size (1030mm x 1456mm) | 2023
Photo: Ryohei Tomita

This comic is focusing on everyday life poesy/everyday life small happiness moments in order to fight against homesickness. Visuals are composed from 3D scans of Kappabashi and of myself as a character.

Translators:Ezquer Jeronimo(エスケル ヘロニモ)、若山俊介(ワカヤマ シュンスケ)


Cedric Rolando – neoyume

I’m Cedric Rolando, also known as neoyume.
Digital artist from France, living in Tokyo since 2017.
Japanese video-games, music and anime have made me interested in Japanese culture, arts and language.
Now that I’m living here, I feel Japan is a wonderful catalyst for artistic creation.

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公募展「It’s Not a Cultural Showcase, but a Window to the Soul」


公募展「It’s Not a Cultural Showcase, but a Window to the Soul」